|RO| Facilităm expertiza internațională prin IMLA (International Master for Landscape Architecture) pentru dezvoltarea durabilă pe cursul râului Mureș, zona Sângeorgiu de Mureș- Târgu Mureș.
|EN| We facilitate international expertise with IMLA for sustainable development on the Mureș River, Sângeorgiu de Mureș, Mureș County, Romania.
Workshop abstract: “Creating a greenway concept along the Mureş river between the “Weekend” urban recreation area in Târgu Mureş city and Sângeorgiu de Mureş parish as an outstanding model of a Multi-Use-Rehabilitated-Environmental-Site. Our group intends to transform the studied no-man’s land into areas where old activities will be integrated into new ones. The type and nature of these activities came up from the findings resulting from the analysis and include recreational activities such as cycling and pedestrian promenades, leisure area hotspots, playgrounds and meeting places, nature interaction and observation, meditation; enhancement of a redefined concept for agriculture; industrial site restoration as art school, hotel accommodation and many more. Intertwining activities for improving quality of life are meant to bring people together in an authentic experience which would be until now unique in Romania. Our planning process took into consideration the local identity and landscape character of the region. Further, four focus areas are highlighted and designed with special attention to pedestrians, greenway, water elements and vegetation. This intervention along the project site is similar to a symphony which starts from a strong urban intervention which becomes light semi-urban and fades into a light natural transformation. Our concept provides a completely new image for the area which can be interpreted as from segregation to integration. “